expert system development tool

英 [ˈekspɜːt ˈsɪstəm dɪˈveləpmənt tuːl] 美 [ˈekspɜːrt ˈsɪstəm dɪˈveləpmənt tuːl]

网络  专家系统开发工具



  1. Combining knowledge based techniques with real time task management technology, a real time expert system development tool NUREST is designed and implemented.
  2. This paper briefly introduces using expert system development tool to configurate an expert system of quality defect diagnoses for plate glass production, and defects of plate glass, the specialities of its knowledge base and its operating result in practice.
  3. Design and Implementation of the Geotechnical Engineering Security Inspection Expert System Development Tool
  4. Based on knowledge, information, experience and facts, with Xi-plus, shell for expert system development which was developed by US Inference Co as the tool, an expert advisory system for the tunnel support design of underground mine was established.
  5. Nurest: a real time expert system development tool
  6. The research and implementation of an expert system development tool for fault diagnosis on electronic circuit
  7. An expert system for fish stock assessment was designed and developed by using the Objective Knowledge Process System ( OKPS) as the development tool based on the fish stock assessment models and expert knowledge in this field.
  8. Windows 2000 is the development platform of this expert system, and Visual Basic 6.0 is the development tool, so we get the whole expert system.
  9. An expert system for steam turbine cold-state start-up at Baicheng Power Plant has been designed through the use of expert system development tool.
  10. Finally, a diagnosis case for spacecraft power system is exemplified combining the above with a powerful expert system development tool G2.
  11. The expert system for optional design of truss structure is built by using Visual Basic 6.0 as development tool of interface and driver, CLIPS as inside inference engine, and using Microsoft Access 2003 to set up data-base.
  12. The fundamental concept, system structure and system performance of expert system soft-ware development for stack-up hydraulic system of combination machine tool are introduced by this article.
  13. Design and implementation of a general expert system development tool gest-1
  14. A new concept universal expert system is described, it uses a low cost, reliable, imported, commodity expert system development tool as its nucleus.
  15. According to the view of knowledge engineering, a new-generation general expert system development tool: GEST-1, in which meta-knowledges are exploited sufficiently, is designed and implemented.